5 Reasons People Who Wake Up At 5am Are Happy and Successful
(That have nothing to do with the hour that they wake up)
There’s just something about successful people we hear about on the internet and waking up at 5am. While correlation certainly isn’t causation, it does make you stop and wonder — are these people onto something?
Names such as Jocko Willink, Michelle Obama, Robert Iger all come to mind. These people are thriving and loving life with this early wakeup time — and are crushing their work and life at large.
They do something daily that so many of us can’t even fathom implementing in our life.
“The temptation to take the easy road is always there. It is as easy as staying in bed in the morning and sleeping in. But discipline is paramount to ultimate success and victory for any leader and any team.” — Jocko Willink
One time I woke up at 3am. I’m not sure how, but for whatever reason, I was so wired that I just decided to start my day right then. While it was a great morning and I was able to get so much done before anyone else was awake, it wasn’t something that I could see myself sustaining into the future.
I think that the key to their success isn’t in the 5am wake up time — but in the habits that they’ve built into their early mornings and the discipline they show. I’ll tell you exactly what I mean, starting with their work discipline:
#1: They start each day with important work
Most of us, upon waking up, have to immediately get started on the urgent tasks at hand. Whether it be packing the kids lunches, responding to work emails, rushing to the office or returning a phone call, we’re often caught off guard by other’s demands.
Either that, or we arise into our mundane and fast-paced morning habits without any potential for getting something else done.
“If you can’t do the little things right, you will never do the big things right. And, if by chance you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made — that you made — and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better. If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.” — Admiral William H. McRaven
People who wake up at 5am have gotten onto something. With that early start time, fewer people are awake, meaning that, distraction-free, they can get started on what they need to get done.
They can choose which project to begin the day on instead of having it thrown into their lap, and are able to get into flow and initiate deep work that they wouldn’t otherwise have margin for.
#2: They emphasize starting the day away from distractions and busyness
On a similar note, people who wake up at 5am know that they want some time for themselves — and they know that waking up at 5am is the way to get it. They don’t wake up and scroll on their phone for two hours, or waste that precious time that they’ve demanded of themselves.
Rather, they use it wisely, conquering what other people are sleeping through the potential of, doing what they are most passionate about to most move their projects and life forward.
“When it comes to following through with your commitments, you don’t have to be perfect, but NEVER let one missed day turn into two.” — Hal Elrod
They are also showing tremendous discipline in this practice. That discipline operates like a muscle that they’re growing, allowing it to be deployed in other situations in their life when they need it.
Fighting against the hustle and hurry culture to slow down and do what matters before the world gets crazy is the practice and element of discipline that really sets these people apart — far more than the time set on their alarm clock.
#3: They say no to things out of their values
People with the discipline to wake up at 5am often have to say no to a lot of things in order to make that wake up time work. They have to choose which activities are most crucial to them, and have to prioritize their sleep and early wake up time over a lot of things.
“The temptation to take the easy road is always there. It is as easy as staying in bed in the morning and sleeping in. But discipline is paramount to ultimate success and victory for any leader and any team.” — Jocko Willink
This might mean turning down late night outs, or asking friends, coworkers, romantic partners, etc. to meet earlier for things. This discipline easily transfers over to other areas of their life, allowing rigor and values to guide every area of their life.
#4: They get uninterrupted time to do what they love
People who wake up this early get to do what they love and what they’re passionate about for at least a couple of hours before the day gets started. They can awake and read, go for a run, study, pray, meditate, and more.
“Remember, every professional was once an amateur, and every master started as a beginner. Ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary feats, once they’ve routinized the right habits.” ― Robin Sharma, The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life
In the few periods of my life where I’ve been disciplined enough to have a regular early wake up time, I have found myself privileged to do work that I love. I’ve spent the time writing my novel, writing stories for Medium or otherwise, finishing projects that have been months in the making.
Successful people who happen to wake up at 5am are those who know that these projects matter and determine priority time in their day — and readily make that time for them, day in and day out.
#5: They prioritize good sleep
People who wake up at 5am are often very conscious of routine as well as sleep hygiene. This means that they are often well-rested, always wake up feeling great because of their consistent schedule, and are able to quickly get into a routine every day.
This healthy sleep and these solid habits help them to be successful in all other areas of their life.
I’m not telling you to wake up at 5am. I don’t wake up at 5am, nor do I want to everyday. But studying those who do and why they do, as well as how that makes them thrive, can be incredibly helpful. It makes me wonder more about what impact my wake up time can have on my life.
I’m not saying you should wake up 5am — but you might consider incorporating some of that level of discipline into your life. Best of luck!