5 Reasons I Journal About Everything That Happens In My Life

Okay, maybe not everything…but I get pretty close

Katie E. Lawrence
5 min readJul 27, 2024
Photo by Ono Kosuki on Pexels

I’ve been journaling for as long as I can remember. Over the holidays last year, I was home cleaning out a storage closet with my mom when we came across some notes on life from eight-year-old me.

I’m so grateful to have notes from a younger me, who thought she had life figured out. She was a dreamer and a thinker, and she was smart enough to document what was going on in a way I can learn from and enjoy now.

She saw the world in a beautiful and unique way — and had the wisdom to pay attention and write it down.

“To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work.”— Mary Oliver

Finding that notebook and reviewing several other journals from different seasons of my life has made me wonder — why do I do this?

What’s the motivation behind spending so much of my life documenting my life? What’s the big deal?

As a result of those many thinking sessions, I’ve come up with a few reasons why this habit means so much to me—as well as some ways in which it has really changed my life for the better.

#1: To track my progress



Katie E. Lawrence
Katie E. Lawrence

Written by Katie E. Lawrence

B.S. in Family Science from Auburn University. Intern for the Alabama Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education project. Amateur yapper.

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